Saturday, May 5, 2018

Clarksville, Arkansas

Apr. 22, 2018

A wave of Clarksville residents migrated to McCleary in the late 1930s.

Welcome to Historic Clarksville Arkansas est. 1836

Apr. 22, 2018

Mural in Clarksville, Arkansas. Many of the migrants to McCleary in the late 1930s came from this town.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Subconscious icon

Apr. 3, 2018.

This guardrail off of Maple St. is one of those town icons we'll only think about after it is gone.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mystery grave

Mar. 29, 2018

I stumbled across this isolated odd plot in the west end of the McCleary Cemetery today. The disturbed turf looked to be about the size needed to bury a pet.

Close Call

Mar. 28, 2018

In Oct. 2017 the outer wooden porch on the east end of the abandoned Mark Reed Hospital caught on fire and was contained before it could spread. It is my understanding this was a makeshift shelter used by a homeless person and that might have had something to do with the blaze.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sidewalk with a built-in drain

Mar. 12, 2018

This hole in the sidewalk, near the corner of Simpson and Summit next to Beerbower Park, opens up to what appears to be a good sized cavity under the surface.

You know the old saying--

--"A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two Clowns in the Bush," or something like that.

This little tableau was on top of the air conditioner on the outside wall of City Hall today. Could it be a political statement, as in, someone has a fowl opinion of the clowns who were elected to City government? Whatever. It made me laugh.

Mar. 12, 2018

Pampas or Ravenna Grass?

Mar. 12, 2018

Pampas grass and Ravenna Grass, which are similar in appearance, are both considered invasive and noxious weeds by the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board. Grays Harbor County is one of the main homes for Pampas grass in the state.

Noxious or not, I think it looks amazing.

Indoor swimming pool!

Mar. 11, 2018

The Maple Street view of the former Timbear Cafe, opened ca. 1957 and in operation as a restaurant under various names for a few decades before ending up as a second hand store.

Before there was Grays Harbor Transit there was Washington Coast Lines and this Maple Street corner was their main McCleary stop.

This structure is now for sale and as you can see by the roofing it comes by default with its own indoor swimming pool.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Friday, March 2, 2018

The last of the snow for this round

Feb. 27, 2018
The snow seems to take longer to melt away on Arkie Hill, McCleary's Arctic microclimate.

St. Patrick's Day view of downtown McCleary

Feb. 26, 2018, via the Bear's Den

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

Morty the Dog visits the McCleary Community Center

Nov. 15, 1995. Morty the Dog, who ran for McCleary Mayor in 1999 as a write-in candidate, pays a visit to the McCleary Community Center. [Photo taken of old VHS video]

Morty continues to garner write-in votes for various elective offices in Grays Harbor County to this day.

Winter lines and shadows

Feb. 19, 2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018

March 5th @11am 574

Feb. 14, 2018.

Be there or be square.

Cryptic post-it found at random on a McCleary walkway.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Vote! Yes

Feb. 12, 2018

Home-made election campaign signs are the best.

McCleary Bear Festival trailer

Feb. 12, 2018

Seems sort of early to be seeing the McCleary Bear Festival trailer, but there it is next to the Credit Union. And it does provide advertising for the event.

Anyone remember the old Float Barn? Is this trailer the new Float Barn on wheels?


Feb. 10, 2018

Rain Country Valentine display. McCleary City Hall and the new clinic are in the background

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Bears Inside City Hall

Feb. 8, 2018

Wooden relief sculpture by Elma residents Richard and Mike Roberts.

The Clock in City Hall

Feb. 8, 2018

The antique clock in McCleary City Hall originally belonged to Henry McCleary and was part of the Henry McCleary Timber Company headquarters. McCleary's HQ stood on the same spot where City Hall is now located, so the clock has resided in the same area before almost all of us in town were born.

Note the more boring modern clock in the background behind the Seahawk decorations.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tree broken by winter stormy winds

Jan. 22, 2018. Near Rainbow Park and the VFW Hall