Friday, August 26, 2016

A twist and turn in Wildcat Creek

July 15, 2016. Behind the Cemetery.

The cable that binds

July 15, 2016

Longest alley in town

Aug. 26, 2016. Looking west from Main to 10th St., between Simpson and Maple. The old "Float Barn" resided on the west end, until it was finally torn down a few years ago. On the east end we see the Union Hall on the left and the new clinic on the right.

McCleary smallpox

Aug. 26, 2016. This poor woman's face has been on display on the McCleary Post Office bulletin for at least 4 years, maybe more. Over time her nice face has been punctured numerous times by thumbtacks.

This brings to mind the disease known as "McCleary Smallpox," a disorder which is the result being stomped on by logger boots.

Just outside city limits going west

July 15, 2016. Elma-McCleary Rd.

Here come the mushrooms

Oct. 18, 2014

Root vs. asphalt

Feb. 21, 2014. Hospital Hill

Nature refuses to be covered up

Feb. 21, 2014. Hospital Hill.

Hospital Hill alders

Feb. 21, 2014

Stepping stones

Jan. 5, 2014. Rainbow Park

What happened to the rabbits?

Aug. 26, 2016. Part of Rabbit Hill is being shaved, probably for more new houses. I didn't see any rabbits up there this morning.

First Street Curve

Aug. 26, 2016. Look out for rabbits.

New bamboo

Aug. 26, 2013

Alder stand on First St.

Nov. 28, 2013

Fifth Street crisp early sun

Oct. 27, 2013

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Elm Tree

June 30, 2013

In search of the lost electrical cord

July 31, 2012


Mar. 31, 2013

Grass gone wild

June 19, 2012

Sandbags on standby

Dec. 31, 2011. Sometimes Sam's Canal can get a little crazy, and the folks at Rainbow Park are prepared if that happens.

Rainbow Park arrangement

Dec. 31, 2011.

Two cups of Joe at Rain Country

Dec. 31, 2010

The backside of a window cherry pie

Dec. 31, 2010. Rain Country.

Old and new PO boxes

Dec. 30, 2012. The newer boxes at the end still seem new to me, but they have probably been there for quite a spell.

McCleary Post Office trash cans

Dec. 30, 2012

Rainbow Park trash lid and Simpson smokestack

Dec. 29, 2013