Friday, August 19, 2016

Weathered Slats

Nov. 6, 2010


Nov. 6, 2010


Nov. 5, 2011

Veterinarian's door

Nov. 5, 2011

Observation chair

Nov. 5, 2011. For a brief time McCleary had veterinarian services here in town. Here's a chair for the owners of the clients. Pets touch a special place in our hearts. Note the tissues. 

Walnut tree sheds the leaves

Nov. 3, 2012

Nature's confetti celebrates the opening of the Season of Crappy Weather

Nov. 3, 2012. I always figure the Season of Crappy Weather really starts on November 1st and we have to hunker down for the next three months at least.

Cat scratching post

Nov. 3, 2012

Steampunk at Simpson

Nov. 2, 2015. A view of the door plant from Gordon's parking lot. The orange piping, vents, and stacks on the roof could be a good place to include as a set in a steampunk movie.

Although Simpson has downsized in other parts of their company, the McCleary operations remain, fortunately for us.

The place seems bigger on the inside than the outside. It is an enormous and impressive facility.

Garage door

Nov. 2, 2011


Nov. 2, 2011


Nov. 2, 2011

Charlie in a box

Nov. 1, 2011

Last days of the elm leaves

Oct. 30, 2011

That is one determined mole

Oct. 29, 2013. You'd think with all the cats around here one of them catch that little digger. But noooo. Instead the felines use the hills as outdoor litter boxes.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Oct. 29, 2013

Library and Post Office

Oct. 29, 2012. An East County News distribution box between the Library and Post Office. Both buildings were constructed in the early 1960s. The library building was a laundromat and then a video store in the past.

East County News

Oct. 29, 2012. McCleary itself has not had a weekly newspaper since the early 1960s. Currently there are two regional weeklies that include coverage of the town. The East County News began in the 1980s and is basically a collection of articles gathered from the Daily World (Aberdeen, Wash.). It is a free newspaper.

The Montesano Vidette, which began in the 1880s and is the oldest newspaper in the county in spite of the title changes, is subscription-based and includes McCleary news.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Things that are gone, things that are new

Oct. 29, 2012.

A view from inside the McCleary Post Office. Through the windows on the left you see the now extinct old Rhodes Grocery and McCleary Stimulator office, where the new clinic now sits. Through the door windows on the left you see the vacant lot where a drive-thru coffee place called The Coffee Shop now exists.

Parking space at Gordon's

Oct. 28, 2010. Art is everywhere we look, we just have to be open to it.

The Odd Room

Oct. 28, 2010. That odd little square on top of Gordon's has several legends attached to it, too many and complicated to relate here.

The building was originally constructed in the 1940s and was called Lumbermen's Mercantile, selling a wide variety of goods. It even included a mezzanine. I recall in the 1960s the eastern third was walled off and was a separate hardware store. The entrance to the grocery store at that time faced Simpson Ave.

Ardy Lencioni purchased the store in the mid-1960s and knocked out the wall that divided the space. Ardy and his Dad, Ugo, had previously operated the Quality Market, which was located where Sam's Food Mart is now operating. 

PO Boxes

Oct. 28, 2010. In the not so distant past you pretty much HAD to have a PO box in order to receive mail in McCleary city limits. Don't know exactly when mail delivery to a real mailbox on your property really started to become normal.

Cat prints on the Buick

Oct. 26, 2013

Time for a new paint job

Oct. 24, 2013. Ya think?

Elect Rick Hole, Assessor, Neither Party

Oct. 22, 2010. This huge sign was at the west entrance to town. I love the "Neither Party" concept. He was elected to office in the 2010 election cycle and served one term.

The Wild Shirt

Oct. 21, 2012. This shirt is so loud it had to be isolated from all the rest. Generally speaking, McCleary tends be an earth tone place in the clothing color department.


Oct. 20, 2012. At the east entrance to town. One of the most heartfelt lost pet posters ever.