Sunday, August 14, 2016

Fern 5 frozen in headlights

Oct. 7, 2012. Rainbow Park.

The little orphan television set

Oct. 6, 2013. Discarded next to Mike's.

FREE (they are clean)

Oct. 6, 2013, in the McCleary Post Office.

Forest fire smoke over McCleary

Oct. 4, 2012

Forest fire smoke over Hospital Hill

Oct. 4, 2012. Taken from Cedar St. on Rabbit Hill. The fire was in Mason County and the smoke headed southwest.

Forest fire smoke, view from 3rd and Oak St.

Oct. 4, 2012

Forest fire smoke, view from Oak St. looking west

Oct. 4, 2012

Forest fire smoke, looking north, 5th and Oak

Oct. 4, 2012

Traffic cone top of Mike's

Oct. 4, 2010.

Oh what a tangled web

Oct. 3, 2014

Sunday morning

Aug. 14, 2016, looking east from the Community Center.

I don't believe it is an exaggeration to say it is possible on a very early Sunday morning to lie down in the middle of Simpson Avenue and take a little nap without being disturbed by vehicles.

Over 50 years ago this was the old 410, the main highway between Olympia and the Coast.

Foggy sunrise

Aug. 14, 2016.

The old saying is that in McCleary you hear either the freeway or the door plant. But on early Sunday mornings the town can be magically quiet. Photo taken from Rabbit Hill.

The Rabbit of Legend

Aug. 14, 2016. There is a rabbit I have seen more than once near the top of Rabbit Hill that is enormous. About sunrise this morning it politely posed for me at Evergreen Place as I walked by.

There are rabbits all over town these days, more than I ever seen in the past, but this one is the Godzilla of the bunch. I have to wonder whatever happened to all those coyotes we used to hear and occasionally see?

Fill in the image

Oct. 3, 2010

Pothole art

Oct. 2, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tim Bear

Oct. 2, 2011

He's beautiful, even with the flaws

Oct. 2, 2011

The bear on top of City Hall was created out of a chunk of cedar by a chainsaw carver from Westport, I believe, in the early 1960s. The sculpture was dubbed "Tim Bear" or "Timbear" and has served as something of an official symbol of the City ever since.

An up close examination of the sculpture reveals enormous cracks in the wood and it is often covered with a thin patina of algae. I'm sure the piece requires frequent maintenance to keep it together, which does indeed reflect the normal state of running a municipality. We all have to work as partners to make our city work, in spite of the cracks our differences create. As for the algae metaphor, well, that's why we oldtimers are known as "Mossbacks."   

So the flawed, mossy bear is ever vigilant, surveying his domain.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Empty sign

Oct. 2, 2011

Packard Clipper

Sept. 30, 2012. For awhile Jeff Foster had a beautiful Packard Clipper sitting in his repair lot at J and F Automotive.

Late September

Sept. 30, 2011

McCleary Moss

Sept. 29, 2011. If it sits still it will grow moss of various types.

Mountain Ash berries

Sept. 30, 2010, birds get drunk on this stuff.

Fire hydrant in a hole

Sept. 29, 2010, 4th and Oak.

A brick in front of the Library

Sept. 29, 2010.

Morty the Dog ran as a write-in candidate for McCleary Mayor in 1999 and gained, from what I understand, about 5% of the vote. Not bad for a cartoon character.

Rebar alley

Sept. 29, 2010. I believe I took this shot in the alley between the time Mike's became Cheema's.

The outsider

Sept. 28, 2014. Charlie, Buster, and Dreamer keep an eye on Oliver, the intruder.

Dry tall grass on chain link

Sept. 28, 2011

Solomon's Seal in September

Sept. 28, 2011

Wild pancakes

Sept. 27, 2012. In truth this is some sort of enormous mushroom/fungus thing

Life refuses to be paved over

Sept. 27, 2011